Limited Time: Free Shipping On Select USA Orders


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Please contact the appropriate department for your email inquiries.

If you have already ordered, Click Here to find your Airwaybill / Tracking Number.

Please review the Quick Answers below before using this form. In order to direct your question to the appropriate department, please select the subject of your email inquiry from the list:

Quick Answers

I have a question about how to order your product.

Pay online using your credit card here.

I want to know the status of an order I have already placed.

Tracking numbers can be found by Clicking here.

I am not happy with this product and want a refund.

In order to receive a full refund, please return any empty bottles and remaining product within 60 days to:

Leading Edge Health
c/o 100 Fidelitone Way
Elizabethton, TN
United States of America

Please be sure to include your full name and order number on the returned package.

I need to update my shipping address information.

Please be advised that if your package has already been shipped via UPS or DHL it must be rerouted by the recipient. You may change the delivery address of the package yourself by contacting the courier with your tracking number. If your order has not been shipped, please provide alternate shipping instructions in the form above.

I wish to cancel my order.

In order to ensure fast and efficient customer service, please include your order number, date, and time of purchase in the form above.

I received SPAM which appears to be promoting your product.

We do not condone spamming and take this very seriously. Please forward a copy of the offending email you received.