One of the most common female sexual dysfunctions is hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) where the woman experiences less or no desires or fantasies in her sexual life. In simple terms, a woman experiencing such a disorder is rarely in a mood to have any form of sexual activity with her partner – whether it is sexual stimulation or normal sex.
Typically, in medical terminology, this disorder is also referred to as impaired sexual interest, low sexual interest, low libido and inhibited sexual desire, among others.
The Heavy Price of HSDD
It is significant for women suffering from this disorder to overcome it as quickly as possible. More often than not, statistics have revealed that when disorders like HSDD surface, it is the couples who face problems in their relationship and pay a heavy price for not overcoming the disorder on time. This article will help all women suffering from HSDD to gain some strength and confidence to fight this condition and improve their relationship.
The information listed below will help you find the cure for a problem like HSDD. So, do not miss the finer points mentioned with each tip to keep your sexual mojo going. We are sure that, once you are informed of the right treatment, such a disorder will never again creep up on you.
Let us dive straight into the different ways of treating the disorder.
Treat Your Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Today
1. When Knowledge is Power: Underlying Causes of the Disorder
Before you start solving problems associated with HSDD, you need to understand the underlying causes of such a problem and try to rectify it in a sound way. It’s important to know that this problem can occur in women of any age group and can persist throughout their lives.
Are you wondering what these causes could be? They include the following:
- Menopause: This is one of the main reasons why more and more women suffer due to HSDD. When estrogen levels drop drastically post-menopause, it becomes extremely painful for women to have sex, which reduces their motivation to get into the act.
- Psychological Problems: Such a disorder can normally arise when women have to regularly go through anxiety, relationship problems, depression, stress from family, work and previous bad sexual experiences.
- Physical Problems: Among other reasons to have low sexual desire among women, there are physical problems such as like heart diseases, diabetes, kidney diseases, liver diseases, pelvic surgery, urinary tract infections and vaginal yeast.
- Side-effects From Medications: Over-usage of oral birth control pills, antihypertensive medication and antidepressants for depression can easily interfere with sexual drive and arousal and can contribute to HSDD.
- Personal Habits: Addiction to smoking, recreational drugs and alcohol can seriously have an impact on both men’s and women’s sexual desires and activities.
2. Symptoms to Watch Out for: Keeping an Eye on Your Sexual Habits
Though there is no identifiable or definite cause for HSDD in men and women, there are sure ways to know that the sexual problems are approaching fast. In fact, there are quite a few hypoactive sexual desire disorder symptoms you need to watch out to ensure that you have the identified it and are prepared to challenge it.
Are you interested to know what these symptoms are? Here they are:
- Extramarital Affairs: Couples dealing with HSDD are usually tempted to lead their life without sexual intercourse. In cases like this, either partner may try to get sexual gratification and solace outside their relationship.
- Feeling of Disgust towards Sex: What usually begins as a loss in sexual desires and activities may gradually develop into a feeling of extreme hatred towards it. If you have been through this feeling, then you know you’re a sufferer of this disorder.
- Dissatisfaction in Sex: People who have full-blown HSDD find sex extremely boring, painful, traumatic and aversive. No matter what, they find it tough to become aroused.
3. Your Many Options: Ways to Treat Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
The usual procedure to cure sexual aversion disorder is to alleviate or remove the root cause of the problem, such as depression, relationship misunderstanding and sexual dysfunction.
If the cause if the disorder is sexual performance or arousal, then they need to be addressed directly and quickly. Also, it is noted that HSDD cases are mostly situational in nature and occur largely due to the lack of interest and dissatisfaction in the sexual partner. Therefore, it is common to include the partner during the course of treatment.
Do you want to know ways to treat this disorder? Check this out:
- Testosterone Supplements: If the root cause of the disorder is decreased testosterone level, then providing testosterone supplements helps a lot to cure it. Although most experts don’t recommend this form of treatment, women who have tried it out have attested to a significant increase in their sexual desire and sexual activities.
- Medications: Administration of drugs that have less impact on the sexual activities of women, like Wellbutrin, Effexor and Celexa work to help in treating HSDD. However, you should take these drugs only under the observation of a physician.
4. Stay Calm and Composed: You’ll Be Back in the Saddle Again
One of the essentials in treating a situational disorder like HSDD is to stay calm and composed. You need to realize that you are not the only woman out there facing this kind of problem. In fact, you need to try sorting out the misunderstandings with your partner, if there are any.
Are you interested to know how you can stay calm? Find out how:
- Do not overindulge in negative thoughts about your sexual life if you are dealing with HSDD.
- Take time off and do things you have always been interested in. If you like traveling, then travel. If you want to take a stroll in a nearby garden, then just do that. Enjoying what you are comfortable doing can help sometimes.
- Sleep whenever you feel like doing so. It will help you feel fresh and rejuvenated.
5. Understand Which Subtype You Belong to for Best Treatment Results
When women deal with hypoactive sexual desire disorder, it is common for them to lose interest in sex. In addition, they find it difficult to get to the root of the problem. In order to cure this sexual disorder completely, it is imperative to identify the subtype of the problem you are dealing with.
HSDD has two main subtypes. You must be wondering what these subtypes are? Here they are:
- Life-Long HSDD: There are women who feel disinterested in sex and foreplay right from the beginning, as soon as they got to know what sex is all about. If you fall into this category, you fall into the life-long HSDD category.
- Acquired HSDD: You fall into the acquired category when you have lost in sex since a known time. HSDD happened after a period of normal sexual life.
6. Talk to a Psychologist: Tips to Make the Process Easier for You

When you talk to a psychologist regarding your HSDD problem, they will get to the root of the issue. They will recommend successful ways to get rid of the problem in a short amount of time. This is a must- try step for you, especially when your partner suffers from the same disorder.
Are you unsure of what to tell your psychologist? Here are some tips:
- Seek an appointment with your psychologist along with your partner. Talk to them about your relationship and lifestyles.
- Enquire whether you need to make any changes in the medication you are taking.
- Ask the psychologist if there is something new which you can try out to kick- start your sex life.
Your psychologist will find out about your emotional and physical state. Accordingly, they will prescribe you the best treatment of HSDD. Remember, you can put the problem to rest easily with counseling, medicines and the right changes made to your lifestyle.
7. Are Men Prone to HSDD Problems, Too?
Though a majority of HSDD related problems occur in women, men also suffer from it. The symptoms and cure for these problems, in both men and women, are the same.
Do you know the reasons behind hypoactive sexual desire disorder in men? Keep reading.
- Premature Ejaculation: One of the main reasons for hypoactive sexual desire disorder in males is premature ejaculation. When you know that you cannot perform at your best and impress your partner, there is going to be an impact on both of you physically and physiologically, thus paying the way for HSDD.
- Biological Causes: It is not just the mind; even your body could present some kind of challenges time and again, and that can contribute to this disorder. For example, thyroid problems, imbalance of hormonal secretion, inherited traits, and problems related to neurotransmitters can contribute to your disorder.
- Psychological Causes: Similarly to women, men too face HSDD complexities due to psychological causes. Some of the leading factors include stress, anxiety and incompatibility in relationships.
- Physiological Problems: Physical problems like obesity and head injury can all contribute to HSDD and exacerbates your sex life.
8. Working Together: Talk to Your Partner to Sort Out the Problem
It is not new for men or women to face this kind of disorder. Talking to your partner on a regular basis should help in HSDD treatment a lot. When you have trust in your partner and share all your apprehensions and anxiety regarding your sex life, he will understand your situation.
Are you wondering how to deal with your partner? Here’s how:
- Make your partner realize that why you are not able to indulge in sexual activities.
- Tell him that you want to rekindle your lost sex life.
- Go for an outing whenever possible in order to rejuvenate your relationship.
When your partner has a better understanding of your situation, he will surely make things work for both of you.
9. Do Not Rush: It Might Take Some Time to Get Your Sex Life Back in Order
If you think you can get rid of problems like HSDD quickly, then you’re wrong. As both physical and mental wellbeing are under pressure, you need to realize it that might take time to treat this issue permanently. You need to give yourself every possible chance and time to overcome the obstacle and get your sexual drive back. When you try to rush things, you end up doing a lot of mistakes that eventually worsen the disorder.
For more tips, check these points:
- Give yourself and your partner some time to figure out what is going on in life. Learn to be patient.
- While you and your partner are taking time off, think of ways to improve your sexual lives.
- Change your eating patterns and medication, exercise whenever possible. Do whatever it takes – at your pace – to ensure you’re giving yourself time to get over the problem.
10. Remain Confident, Be Determined: You Can Overcome This
Remaining confident about yourself, even when you are dealing with a disorder like HSDD helps a lot. Your optimistic and confident behavior will help you to get over the problem smoothly and efficiently. When you are determined to get your sex life back and follow all the steps given by your doctor, the positive results appear, sooner rather than later.
Remaining confident is really easy. This is how:
- Find ways to be happy. Always concentrate on doing things that bring happiness in you. Everyone out there is unique and there will be certain things which you’ll be good at. Identify that particular hobby and find out some time to indulge in your favorite past-time. You will find yourself more cheerful and energetic to fight all your issues.
- Think of past experiences. Ponder on those situations that you have faced and contemplate how you overcame them. When you realize your capability to fight odds, you will automatically feel confident and ready to take on the world.
11. Your Doctor Appointment: Here’s Effective Help to Calm Your Fears
You’ll need to consult your doctor sooner, rather than later for hypoactive sexual desire disorder treatment. This is the occasion when most men and women fret a lot. You should not feel tense or embarrassed to visit your doctor and discuss your problem with him. There are many people like you who are dealing with the same situation. So, you should not delay a consultation with your doctor to find the right treatment for your sexual issues.
Are you wondering what to prepare before visiting a doctor? Here are some tips:
- Keep your questions ready. You will surely have quite a few questions to ask your doctor, like what treatments are available to me? What is the root cause of my problem? Are there any books or sources that can provide more knowledge on my disorder? Make sure you have questions jolted down in a paper and carry it along to your doctor.
- Have your key medical information ready. Your doctor may ask for medications, supplements or vitamins which you have been taking. So, make sure to have these details ready with you.
- State your problems openly. Share your sexual problems that you have been facing regularly. Don’t miss out on anything that you might feel is trivial. Sometimes, even the smallest information becomes a useful tool to diagnose and treat sexual issues.
12. Diagnosis and Tests: Knowing What to Expect
As part of the medical routine, your doctor may ask you several questions and seek information pertaining to your sexual life. All this will be done in an attempt to address your HSDD problem. During the course of tests and diagnosis, you may expect your doctor to undertake a few decisions that will help put HSDD worries to rest.
Are you unsure of what to expect from your doctor? Here is a sample guide:
- Pelvic Examination: As a part of the ongoing treatment, your doctor may examine your pelvic region closely to determine any physical changes that may have occurred, like vaginal dryness, thinning of genital tissue and so on.
- Further Tests: Your doctor may also require you to undergo further tests to determine whether there has been a case of hormonal imbalance, high cholesterol, liver disorders or thyroid problems and other.
- A Visit to a Specialist: In the occasional case, your doctor may even refer you to a specialist who can evaluate your problem, from both relationship and emotional sides, in order to determine the real reason behind your low sexual desire and fantasies.
13. Home and Lifestyle Remedies: What Are They and Do They Work?
Sometimes, female hypoactive sexual desire disorder treatment will involve making necessary and useful home and lifestyle changes. Typically, these changes are done to spice up your life and increase your sexual desire and fantasies.
Are you keen to understand what these remedies are? Check these tips:
- Exercise: When you indulge in some form of strength training and aerobic exercise, you are bound to improve stamina, elevate mood, increase your libido and improve your body image.
- Spice up Your Sex Life: Sometimes, doing the same thing can affect you badly. The chances are that your decreased sexual desire has got to do with the same boring and routine sexual positions or moves. So, why not spice it up a bit? Why not try a different sexual position each day, or spend more time on simple things like foreplay?
14. Alternative Medicine for Sex Issues: Some Surprising Solutions for You
When the regular medical procedures fail to work for you, there is no harm in trying out alternative medicines. Whether the hypoactive sexual desire disorder in men or women, there are a few over-the-counter herbal supplements available that might do the trick for you. However, before proceeding with any of these supplements, you need to get an opinion of your doctor.
So, what do alternative medicines have on offer? Keep reading.
- Zestra: It is basically the botanical massage oil that you are required to apply onto the vagina, labia, and clitoris. A study has found that its application has helped to increase sexual pleasure and arousal in women, as compared to other oils.
- Avlimil: To provide your body with estrogen-like effects, experts recommend that you try Avlimil, a popular herbal supplement. However, make sure that you are not taking other medications with this supplement.
15. Do Not Overthink Your Age: It’s Just a Number
It does not matter what your age is, there is no limiting your sexual desires and pleasures. Yes, you’re more likely to be interested in sex and fantasies when you are young and energetic. However, this does not mean you should stop thinking about sex or that you do not have a right to indulge in some kinky games when you grow old. Don’t let your age hinder your sexual life.
There are many people who are sexually active even in their old age. Are you figuring out how to feel younger? These tips may help:
- Spend more time with people younger than you. The more time you spend with them, the more you are likely to think like they do. This should help you feel younger and optimistic.
- Engage yourself in activities that kept you busy during your childhood days. It could be running on the beach, playing with kites or playing with cats and dogs.
- Spend time visiting your alma mater. Talk to your teachers and old friends. In addition to being nostalgic, these small moments will invite freshness in your mind and make you feel younger.
- If possible, try out different kinds of funky hairstyles or experiment with your looks. Doing this can have a positive impact on you psychologically, and these things can quickly add up, bringing you much-needed cheerfulness.
Whatever the reason behind your HSDD, you need to realize that there is a lot of hope for you. By no means is this disorder something you need to worry about immensely. Thousands of women and men from across the globe have had to deal with it. So, you’re not alone in this battle. If most of them have succeeded in their attempts, there are enough chances for you to succeed as well.
Just as you need to remain optimistic about your probabilities, you need to remain cautious as well. Keep in mind that HSDD is not a disease, but you cannot take it lightly. Do not hide under the sheets and cry in hopelessness. There are so many measures you can take to address this disorder. You need to realize this as soon as possible and take corrective steps.
Talk to your partner and involve him in most of your activities so that you can be comfortable. This way, you will make sure that your relationship is in order. Besides, it is just a matter of time until your sexual feelings and pleasures are back on track. Above all, have immense belief in your abilities and motivate yourself whenever and wherever required. Sooner or later, you will realize that you have started enjoying your sex life with your partner again and conquered a disorder called hypoactive sexual desire disorder.