Female sexual dysfunction includes disorders relating to sexual desire, orgasm, arousal and painful sex.
When the problem becomes persistent, it can cause distress for the woman and her partner and can have a negative impact on their relationship as well.
If you have been experiencing female sexual dysfunction for more than a few months, you should look for ways to find the right treatment.
How Does Female Sexual Dysfunction Affect Women?
Female sexual arousal disorder has both physical and mental causes. The most common sexual disorder problems that affect women are:
- Lack of Sexual Desire: Several factors are involved in decreased sexual desire in women, such as medical treatments, hormonal changes, depression, fatigue, pregnancy and stress. Dullness and a regular sexual routine with no enthusiasm also contribute to low sex drive in women. Other lifestyle factors include looking after children and having a busy career.
- Decreased Ability to Become Aroused: Women who are unable to become aroused during sexual intimacy usually suffer from vaginal dryness.
The inability to become aroused is also caused by insufficient simulation by the partner. Anxiety is another reason. Studies indicate that blood flow disorder affects the vagina and clitoris, which in turn adds to female sexual arousal disorder issues.
- Lack Of Orgasm (anorgasmia): This is a condition which involves the delay or absence of orgasm or sexual climax. Failure to orgasm in women is usually caused by a lack of knowledge, sexual inhibition and inexperience.
Other psychological factors that contribute to anorgasmia are stress, past sexual trauma, guilt or sexual abuse. Chronic disease, certain medications and insufficient foreplay by a partner are some other causes.
Painful Sexual Experience (dyspareunia): This is a situation in which a woman experiences pain during intercourse. It is caused by numerous factors such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, pelvic mass, poor vaginal lubrication, sexually transmitted diseases, surgical scars and vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina). Vaginismus is a disorder characterized by painful and involuntary spasms of the muscles that surround the vaginal entrance. This comes about when a woman is scared of the pain caused by penetration during a sexual act. This fear may have a variety of causes, including a sexual phobia, past painful experiences or sexual trauma.
Diagnosis of Female Sexual Dysfunction
Your physician will conduct several tests involving a physical examination along with a thorough evaluation of the symptoms.
- The doctor may prescribe a pap test to identify changes in the cells of the cervix. This test helps to determine cancer or a pre-cancerous condition.
- A pelvic examination may also be conducted to check the health of the female reproductive organs.
- Numerous other tests may be done to rule out any health problems that may be causing female sexual dysfunction.
The doctor will have a thorough discussion with the patient in order to understand her approach towards sex.
He will also find out other contributing factors that involve health, anxiety, fear, relationship issues, drug abuse, alcohol or past sexual trauma.
This helps the doctor identify the underlying causes of female sexual dysfunction, which will assist him in making the appropriate recommendation for treatment.
Five different Treatment Options For Female Sexual Dysfunction
A combined effort of the patient, doctors and therapists helps in the treatment of female sexual dysfunction. Most types of this sexual disorder are treated by rectifying the underlying physical or mental health conditions. Other treatment options are as follows:
Educating The Patient: Women are provided with education in several areas concerning sex, including human anatomy, sexual behaviours, sexual functions, changes in sexual desire with aging, and sexual responses. This information helps a woman overcome her fears and anxieties regarding sexual performance.
- Increasing Sexual Stimulation: This therapy involves introducing the patient to erotic materials such as adult magazines and videos. The doctor may also advise masturbation, changes in the sexual routine and other sexually stimulating activities to rekindle the woman’s desire for sex.
- Employing Relaxing Techniques: Your doctor may prescribe various types of exercises, breathing exercises, yoga, laughter therapy and other relaxation tips in order to reduce your anxiety and fear about sexual performance.
Encouraging Stimulating Activities: Your doctor may explain to your partner the significance of stimulating activities such as foreplay, which includes sensuous massage, for sexually arousing a woman.
These tips can dramatically help to overcome female sexual dysfunction and promote comfort and closeness between partners.
- Comfortable Sexual Position: If a woman is stressed because of pain during intercourse, your doctor may suggest specific sexual positions that allow the woman to control the depth of penetration. These positions help to minimize the pain felt during sexual intercourse. Using vaginal lubricants and a having relaxing bath before sexual activity will go a long way toward making your sexual activity a pleasurable one.
Female Sexual Dysfunction: The Role of Hormones
Hormones act to regulate sexual function in women. Many women experience changes in sexual desire as they age because of the decrease in the hormone estrogen.
Low amounts of estrogen lead to poor vaginal lubrication, reduced genital sensation and other sexual disorders. Studies indicate that low levels of testosterone in the body also contribute to low libido in women, reduced genital sensation and a lack of orgasm.
Female Sexual Dysfunction Caused By Menopause
Menopause is associated with low levels of estrogen. Emotional changes that accompany menopause add to a woman’s lack of interest in sexual activities.
Menopause also inhibits women’s ability to become sexually aroused.
Treatments like hormone replacement therapy may help to improve such symptoms as vaginal dryness and loss of genital sensation. However, these treatments may have side effects.
It is interesting to note that some women experience an increase in sexual drive after menopause. Doctors believe that this is due to the reduced fear of unwanted pregnancy.
Moreover, women in menopause often have fewer responsibilities, allowing them to relax and enjoy special moments with their partner.
What Do Experts Recommend?
Female sexual dysfunction is a common sexual disorder among women. Many women experience a lack of sexual desire in varying degrees from time to time.
It is recommended to try female libido enhancer supplements to activate your latent sex drive. These supplements are natural, endorsed by doctors and free from side effects.
The herbs contained in natural supplements are effective in correcting the underlying causes of female arousal disorder.
However, if the problem persists even after taking natural supplements, you should see your health care provider for examination and treatment.
In most cases, chronic diseases cause low libido, which requires a thorough medical check-up and treatment.